Sadiq School is a non-profit educational entity, therefore we strive to keep the tuition and fees as low as possible. Even though, our tuition and fees are among the lowest in the area, Sadiq School Board approved to keep the tuition the same for the coming academic year. Furthermore, we offer 10% for sibling, and up to 30% for low income families. We also offer financial assistance on a limited basis for families who may be facing financial difficulties. Please click here for details. We also offer before and after care programs.
Following are our regular tuition and fees before any discount.
Early Childhood Education
$9500 tuition, $500 security (for supply and IT fees) and $120 for Parent-Teacher Organization fee, for a total of $10,120 per year.
Elementary Education
Monthly payment due 1st of each month, $812. Monthly payments must be set up for automatic payment to avoid $50/month additional charges. Any payment received after the 5th of each month incurs $50 last fee.
Before and aftercare:
$200/month early care -8:00 AM to 8:30 PM.
$300/month after care -3:30 PM to 5:00 PM.
$400/month for before and after care combination.
$10 per hour or partial hour, when needed.